Call on President Biden to Stop the Privatization of Medicare and End DCE/REACH

In response to a national movement to protect Medicare from privatization by the Direct Contracting Entities (DCEs), the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) changed the name from DCEs to ACO REACH

ACO REACH stands for Accountable Care Organizations, Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health.

But the new program, ACO REACH, maintains all the problems of the old one. It places traditional Medicare beneficiaries into for-profit plans without their consent. It allows private equity, venture capital, and insurers to gain up to 39% of Medicare money in overhead and profit. It sets up a capitation system with a profit incentive for giving less care. It is destroying traditional Medicare and endangering the Medicare Trust Fund. It does all of that damage while falsely claiming to bring equity to underserved communities.

On May 9, 500 activists joined the “Health Equity or Private Equity” webinar with Dr. Susan Rogers, Dr. Linda Rae Murray, Dr. Claire Cohen, and Dr. Abdul El-Sayed. These four speakers debunked the myth that private, for-profit corporations, which created inequality in the first place, can ever be trusted to achieve health equity. Handing billions more to corporations will never achieve health, or any other kind of equity.

In case you missed the Health Equity webinar, here is the link to the video. It is well worth taking the time to watch it and share it:

Please urge President Biden to stop the privatization of a trusted and beloved public program, traditional Medicare. Sign the petition and call the White House today.


Sign the Petition

Call the White House Capitol switchboard: (202) 456-1111, May 11 or 12 FROM 11AM-3 PM ET


Thank you for all you do!

Further info on ACO REACH:
