New Hampshire AFL-CIO Endorses HR 676
“On Saturday, May 4th the New Hampshire AFL-CIO unanimously passed a resolution supporting HR 676 and the adoption of a national single payer health care system that covers all Americans for all necessary medical care including prescription drugs and dental,” reported President Mark MacKenzie.
New Hampshire is the 42nd State AFL-CIO Federation to endorse HR 676, Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, sponsored by Congressman John Conyers (D-MI).
“HR 676 will save hundreds of billions of dollars by eliminating the private health insurance industry with its high overhead and profits,” said MacKenzie.
“As President of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO I am proud to have our members actively participate in the movement to win passage of HR 676 and to make health care a human right.”
On May 21, 2013, HR 676 gained another co-sponsor in Congress with the addition of Danny Davis (IL-7). HR 676 now has 42 co-sponsors.