Montana MEA-MFT Endorses HR 676, President Speaks at Single Payer Rally

The largest union in Montana has endorsed HR 676, single payer health care legislation introduced by Congressman John Conyers (D-MI).

The Montana Education Association (MEA) and the Montana Federation of Teachers (MFT) merged in 2000 and are joint affiliates of both NEA and AFT. The Representative Assembly of MEA-MFT has twice endorsed HR 676.

In 2008 the MEA-MFT was instrumental in getting the Montana AFL-CIO to endorse HR 676 and to renew its endorsement in 2009.

Eric Feaver, President of the MEA-MFT, said: “Basically we know as well as any union how ridiculous and unsustainable our nation’s reliance on employer provided health care insurance is. We are not interested in promoting more growth in insurance companies. We want quality health care for all at a price all can afford to pay.”

President Feaver spoke June 5th at one of five single payer rallies held outside the district offices of Max Baucus, Montana’s senior senator and Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. You can see and hear Feaver’s speech at: